Wednesday 21 November 2012

Day 12 of Samples: L'oreal Youth Code

I got this from a Bellabox.

It's supposed to be the first thing you apply onto your face and it claims to be a 'pre-essence' so I suppose this is a toner of sorts.

A clear liquid that is a bit sticky. The scent isn't really strong but it is sweet and it absorbs easily into my skin. Will I purchase this is full size? Nope, since I didn't see any improvement in my skin whatsoever!

31 days of Samples: Day 4-11

Well, finals are up and around the corner and my job application process is not going to well :( As a de-stresser, it's time to post on this awesome blog!
I know that this is actually day 12 of the samples month but I just haven't used enough of my samples lying around to post yet, but don't worry, I have so many lying around that it won't be hard once I've made a bigger effort to use them up!
Day 4: BRTC Perfect BB Remover
A gel BB makeup remover that needs to be emulsified and washed off. This essentially functions the same as a cleansing oil and it does work! I used a makeup remover wipe after washing this off and there were no makeup residue on it. However, I didn't try this on my eye area since the last gel cleanser that I tried this with made me want to claw my eyes out. Overall this seems pretty nice but I'm not very fond of gel cleansers. Interestingly, the only other gel cleanser I've used is from Missha, another korean brand! Was it a trend? Hmmm....
Day 5: BRTC Perfect BB Toner

This toner promises the moon as usual:
 'skin balance control'? not really
 'whitening'? like I can tell from a small bottle of toner
'pore tightening'? No.
'moisture and soothing care'? Maybe.
It has an artifical sweet scent which is nice but can be a bit cloying at times. *speaking as one highly sensitive to scent*

A clear liquid that is poured out. A bit tacky and sticky in texture. Definitely something that I won't repurchase.
Day 6: Etude House Total Age Repair Wrinkle Reduce Royal BB Cream SPF45/PA+++

Yikes! What a mouthful!
I forgot to take a photo of the satchet before I tossed it but this is what it looks like. Compared to other 'first-gen' BB creams, this isn't as greyish as the others and is a better match (just barely) to my NC25-30 skintone. However too much product was in the satchet and I found that I had overapplied it to my face!
The staying power isn't very good either, it kind of faded after 3-4 hours in sunny Singapore and for an anti-aging BB cream, I found it rather drying on my skin. Then again, under isotretinoin, my skin is dry so that doesn't really say much about the BB cream! Would I purchase this? Nope, because this is still too pink for my yellow toned skin.
Day 7: Missha BB Boomer
Ah, what a familiar adversary. This is a sample satchet of the Missha BB Boomer, a BB cream primer, that I already own 2 tubes of! One was a GWP and the other was pretty much hustled onto me in my young, impressionable makeup buying days. Do I like it? No.

The cream as it is. Looks fine right?

As you can see, it gives a silvery sheen that consists of a pinkish tone. Totally not the white gold that I was expecting. The issue with this primer is that it pinks up ANY BB cream. So if your BB cream is for NC25? Congrats, this BB primer turns it to NW/NC15-20. I kid you not, it is that horrible.

I had another satchet of the Etude House BB cream mentioned above, so I wore one alone and the other together with this. What was my friends' verdict when they saw me?

Yup. I recoiled in horror when I saw myself in sunlight as well and promptly took it off, sloshed some red lipstick on and felt so much better. Not something I recommend unless you are fairer than fair and if most foundations/BB creams are too dark for you, you lucky sod. This is totally a dupe for Benefit Moon Beam (guess what are my feelings towards that?!)
Day 8: RMK Liquid Foundation in 103
Ah, this is RMK's famous liquid foundation that is a favourite of many Japanese models. I got a few sample satchets as a GWP of my RMK Powder Brush. I love the awesome young SA in Serangoon's Nex RMK counter but it's a pity I don't see her around anymore :(
She gave me 103 and 102 but mentioned that 103 should be a closer match to my skintone.

Okay, maybe I've kept it for too long. It's seperated and it looks freaking dark and brown! I honestly freaked out when I saw it but...what do I have to lose? So I slapped it on.
Initally it had this really cakey fake look but as I blended it and spread it out, a miraculous thing happened, it just disappeared into my skin! I swear, one minute it looked all orange and mask-like, the next minute I had to squint to see where it was on my skin! Bizzarely, the more I blended, the lighter it got, so much so that my friend mentioned that I look paler than usual.
In terms of finish, it sets really fast and has a pretty matte/natural finish to the skin. Despite my (artificially) dry skin, it doesn't settle into lines too badly and allows the makeup that I apply over it to glide on smoothly. I can't comment about oil-control because that isn't a problem that I'm facing right now.
In terms of coverage, it is very buildable. Right now, I've applied a lot in the satchet and my coverage is medium to heavy! Most of my acne scarring is hidden and the only mark on my face is the scratch caused by my glasses (Don't ask me how that happened!). It definitely has the slightly flat effect that comes from a medium/heavy coverage foundation which I suppose is the only drawback of this product, apart from the price. It would probably work so much better if I sheer it out but overall I can say that this is a good product, one that I would think of purchasing, if I ever get through my other foundations and can stick to just one!

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Another day, another Haul! This time it's from MAC

For all those who need to know, MAC Singapore occasionally holds sales in NUS. According to a sales assistant there, they have a sale about once every 2 years, and this year's sale was held at central forum, from last thursday to Friday, 1-2 November 2012.
So after class, I walked out of the lift and I was stunned, there was MAC! And the sales were crazy, the christmas lip bags that were retailing for $50~ last christmas? They were priced at $10. The Gareth Pugh collection? $20 each. I was overjoyed and went insane. The crowd was mad as well. Thankfully, everyone was young and civil so no fighting for products. A sales assistant mentioned that they wanted to cultivate the next generation of buyers (from my inference) by offering MAC products at steeply discounted prices. What a great way to groom the next generation of MAC addictss. For me, the sale was fantastic as items were 50-70% off their usual price! How could I resist?
The haul

Everything in view

Last year's lipbag for $10! I saw quite a few people grabbing it as gifts for this year's christmas.

When placed in the bag

A nail polish in Cream Asiatique, Amplified Lipstick in Kanga Rouge (I've heard so many red lippie lovers rave about this) and Lipglass in Golden Blanket

Some Fluidlines for $10 each. So happy I decided to run back and get this since this was sold out the next day.

Fluidline in Dark Aversion (I thought this was a burgundy, not a brown), Ivy and Siahi


Mac Zoomlash in New Hue (burgundy) and Chromographic Pencil in NC15/NW20 (bit too light on me) $10 each again!

They had so many eyeshadows! I decided to grab a few just to try out.

Pan eyeshadow in Performance Art ($5) and Metal X Cream Shadow in Vintage Coin (olive green)

Sheertone Blush in Sincerely (I wanted a nude blush) $10

Crushed Metallic Pigment in Strawberry Patch $10

Lippies galore!

Sheen Supreme Lipstick in Korean Candy & Supremely Confident (My first mistake, I grabbed the wrong tube and came out with this uber nude lippie. Now I have to figure out how to make it work!)
Mattene Lipstick in Deliciously Forbidden and Rare Exotic
Tendertone in Tread Gently (I was so tempted to buy this when it came out, so when I saw this in the sale, I grabbed it immediately!)
There's something I forgot to take a photo of, it's the Studio Moisture Tint that I grabbed in the wrong shade! I wanted Medium Plus but I ended up getting Dark Plus instead! Now I mix my BB creams with it and it's turning out awesome :) But that has to be tested even more....
So that's all for the haul right?
Not quite.
So I went to take a look the next day. All the base makeup were left with the darkest shade and most of the things were sold out, and I wasn't planning to go...until my friend told me about Strada, a blush she uses to contour that she claims is fantastic.
Powder Blush in Blunt & Format $10
Powder Blush in Strada $20
Prep + Prime Lash Serum $8
Altogether an awesome haul. Things were so cheap compared to their usual prices that I just went crazy! Now I'm utterly broke for the month :(

Tuesday 13 November 2012

I scare myself sometimes, HAUL OF SHAME!

There comes a time when you know you have an addiction. Whether it is in your face (constantly finding new storage options for makeup) or told to you (by family and friends) or shown on your bankbook (horrifying how much I spend on makeup a month), there is always a defining moment. My moment came when I realized I break bans on Project Pans not just because I desire the products, but because out of emotional buying. Yes, I buy stuff to feel better about myself. This might be a common insanity but it is still insane. Typing this out has made it more real and this particular episode was during the breakdown of my friendship, so without further ado, the haul.
A coupon code was spotted in emilynoel87's channel and I sprang on this opportunity to have my first ever order from Eyes Lips Face!


Ooo another package!

What could this be?

All bought during the Urban Decay's Friends and Family sale. It's so indulgent it's crazy!...I love them all though :)
Tabby who needs intervention

Monday 12 November 2012

31 days of Samples: Day 1-3

Samples are such a funny thing, I always try to ask for samples and I'm overjoyed to get any samples at all, but I rarely use them, they just sit in a corner and rot away.
So to atone for my past negligence, I have decided to embark on a new crusade to clean out of my life these pesky samples! Here are the first 3 day's outcome:

Day 1: Bioderma Sensibo H20 Micelle Solution 20 ml

This is a really awesome cleansing solution. It takes away even hard-to-remove formulations like BB creams and it's gentle on the skin, it doesn't turn my uber sensitive skin red and it feels so refreshing and nice! When you use it, there's a slight tingling biting sensation that's not unpleasant and it really does the job. The only drawback about this sample is that the nozzle is too big, there's no stopper so too much product comes out all at once. I use waterproof mascara so it doesn't remove them but it does remove everything else! Loving this for removing face makeup. Definitely would recommend this and I'm looking forward to repurchasing this. This came in a BellaBox so it costs about $5 for me.

Day 2: Macadamia Healing Oil Treatment 10ml

This is a really nice smelling hair oil, it does it's job and tames my frizzy hair. I love love love the smell, it's that good. If you read the ingredient list, the first ingredient is Dimethicone followed by another silicone so I'm a bit hesitant to fully endorse this. After all, silicones make your hair smooth and shiny so the only thing that is unique about this is probably the amazing smell. I'm tempted to buy this but perhaps not as I will be switching back to my natural bar soaps soon. Recommended for those who are fine using silicone shampoos and conditioners and who can find this at an affordable price.

Day 3: BRTC Perfect Calming Cream
This jar didn't state the size content, so I have no idea of the given amount. Let me just state, it's little, so little that I finished it in one use. It's creamy and gives a gel like feel after application. After sleeping in an airconditioned room, I woke up with skin that is seemingly dry with peeling areas (I believe this is from the product), but when I washed my face, it felt so greasy and oily that I had to use soap! Definitely not a recommendation.

Sunday 11 November 2012

BellaBox Oct 2012

So here's the next set of BellaBox October items! This month is their 1 year anniversary box so I had hoped that they have awesome stuff for this month!
I love this shade of red, it's such a nice change from their usual pink boxes.

It would have been nice if the ribbon was red as well.

A list of the items

(From L-R)
1. Guerlain La Petite Robe Noire EDT - "little black dress" in french, this is a sample by the famous perfume house, Guerlain.
2. Bioderma Sensibo H20 Micellar Solution - This is an awesome cleanser, review coming right up!
3. Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse Multi-usage dry oil
4. Nuxe Face and Body Ultra-Rich Cleansing Gel
5. Nuxe Body 24hr Moisturizing Body lotion
There were some good items but overall -meh- this box is awesome if you like skincare products, but as a makeup love, this box is quite a disappointment.

Saturday 10 November 2012

Losing a great friend

Today's topic isn't about a makeup or skincare product *shock. horror. chandeliers crashing to the ground* but rather on some musings about life. Recently, a momentus event in my life has happened, I have lost a great friend.
Before you give me your condolences, no, he has not died, we have simply ceased our existence as friends. Now, I was initally the first to decide this, after all we were incompatible in terms of personality and we kept having arguments and piss fits for various reasons, some of which I still do not know the reason for to this day. My friend is secretive and hates telling things to people's face whilst I'm very straightforward and to the point, so things that are implied but not said can sometimes just sail right over my head. Then my friend gets pissed and I don't know why.
I suppose the reason for why I'm upset could be that while I had burned our bridge, I thought we could still be acquaintances, hang out with the clique but just not socialize independently with one another. Guess I thought wrong. For my friend told me to my face that we are not friends, to the point where he cannot stand to be near me and he won't ever attend any event that I'm there. The bridge has burned and any structure that could once stood there has turned to ashes. Imagine my shock, our months of hanging out almost everyday with one another is just gone.
Another reason could be merely Stockholm Syndrome, I'm just so used to him being around that the idea of him not being there in my life is upsetting. Today I walked past places where we once shared meals together, joked and laughed at and to say the least, there was no happy nostalgia.
In retrospect, perhaps this had been coming for a while. After all, he was always the one that flared up and pushed me away and when I announced that I was leaving, he jumped on that to declare his stance. Or it could be a defensive manoeuver, by cutting the ties even further, he has to pushed the emotional burden back to me. What a great friend.
I spent a day grieving for the death of this friendship, but that was it. I've learned a lot from him and interacting with someone of this complex nature. I also respect him for telling me to my face (though at the behest of our mutual friends) his thoughts and that it's a clean breakaway. To me, the friend I knew is dead and the one I see around now is nothing more than a friend of my friend, just someone who exists.
Goodnight, sweet prince. I'll treasure our memories together.

Friday 9 November 2012

31 days of Samples

Anyone who's wanted to reduce their stash has surely chanced upon Liz's blog one way or another. A few days ago, I saw that she's doing a new series, all about samples!
*Looks around my room*
Yeah, I need to join this movement as well! So here starts my 31 days of using samples, be it skincare or makeup.
As a general guidelines, I won't be updating everyday on samples. This is not just because I can't but also because this would utterly bore me and make it a chore. So I'll just update as and when I want, but each update will have reviews of the different samples I've used up since the last update! Capice?
Awesome :)

Thursday 8 November 2012

Project 100 Makeup Pan: Month 3 [Finally]

So it's the 3 month mark since I started Project 100 Pan and here is my progress!


1. Nature Republic Gloss in 5 (tossed)
2.  Morgana Cryptoria Lip balm in Coventry (tossed)
3. Silk Naturals Lip Gloss in Modern Poet (tossed)
4.  NYX Round Lipstick in Rosebud - Bit too creamy and doesn't have good lasting power.
5. Maybelline Moisture Xtreme in Nude Blush (discontinued so don't get it!)
6. Za True White 2 way powder foundation in 21
7. BRTC BB Sun Pact
8. Canmake Cream Blush in 06 - lasting power of 3-4 hrs
9. Etude House LuciDarling Brush Eyeliner
10. DiorShow Maximizer
11. Fasio Hyperstay Mascara Magnum Plus Curl Volume in BR300 (what a long title!)
12. Sephora Full Action Extreme Effect mascara
13.  Love Alpha Natural Fiber and Transplanting Gel
14. Rimmel Flash Eyeliner - Didn't mention this becasue I gave this to a friend who promptly tossed it. It's miserable because although it dries immediately on your eyes (wonderful!) so there's no transfer even if you blink immediately, but it's not waterproof. Wearing this is buying a ticket to raccoon land with the hot humid weather of Singapore, where I can sweat like a dog, so it's a big no no. In my defense, I only passed this to my friend because she finished her gel eyeliner and desperately needed a new eyeliner but couldn't find the time to get out and buy some. So here comes Tabby with her stash of eyeliners to the rescue! Or not. Definitely not something I would ever recommend.
As far as how the Project Pan has gone, initally the first few months were pretty good, but somewhere in month 2 I went crazy and decided to do some serious hauling. Once that was over, I thought I was done...till this HUGE MAC sale happened right in my school! I was literally on my way back to my dorm when the lift opened and I saw this crowd of people gathering around a sign called MAC! Nothing could stop this ship from gliding there and now I've found out there's another sale going on next Wednesday and I'm heading to the makeup shopping paradise countries in a few months. C'est la vie.